Social Media

Social Media and Digital Marketing, tips & tricks from New Found Sound

Social Media and Digital Marketing, tips & tricks from New Found Sound

One of the most popular services that New Found Sound offer is our digital marketing and social media package. Whether you perform in a band or run a business, you need to be able to reach fans/customers and grow your following. This article should help with your marketing and get better results from your social media content.

Social Media is an essential part of any marketing campaign; but remember it’s not the only component, you should also be signing people up to your subscriber list, and communicating with your fans / customers directly via mobile and emails too (in fact, this is MORE important, you don’t need to pay Facebook to reach people etc). You want to communicate information about your event/product, send out promotions (discounts, offers etc) and use engaging content to draw people in, make them fans, but ultimately the end goal is to lead to a sale / transaction or growing your fanbase - another email subscriber or follower on Spotify / Facebook etc.

PLAN - when we create a marketing campaign we PLAN everything. Download a Social Media / Marketing Calendar HERE

Our tips on Instagram click HERE

Our tips on Facebook click HERE

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